Meta Description Tag SEO

The Meta Description is an important tag because search engines typically use its contents underneath Links when displaying Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). For this reason it is important to write a well-optimised, unique description for every page in your website, and you can learn how to do so here.
Meta Description Tag:Just like the Title Tag, the Meta Description tag is also found in the Head portion of a web page and is also invisible to visitors to your website. Search engines however do like to use the contents here when displaying their results pages. If you can write a compelling tag that allows people to scan what your website is, what it does and what you offer, all in a glance, then you will get more visitors to your website. This tag offers a fantastic opportunity to really sell and promote your website exactly where it counts, on Search Engine Results Pages.
How Important is This Tag?For me, important enough to take the time to write a good one. Not many people write a compelling tag. If they use a Meta Description tag SEO at all, it is typically filled with the contents of the first paragraph on the page. This is a waste of a great marketing opportunity. Just try a search in your favourite search engine for anything you like and do your typical glance as you scan the page for what you´re looking for. The first thing I look for is an interesting link Title. It´s not the keywords that grab me which are bold, but the whole sentence itself. When I find one I like, my eye then briefly goes to the content underneath. I do this subconsciously to reinforce my choice. If I like what it says, I´ll click it. Your Title and Description tags together form your shop window to entice visitors in to your shop. Once someone has clicked, these tags have done their job. The Description tag alone will not bring visitors to your website, but it will greatly help the Title tag to do this job.
Meta Description Tag SEO:The contents should not be paragraphs of text, but simply a couple of sentences that accurately describe the contents of the page. The theme of the page should flow through everything on your page and it should be the same here. Your Primary Keyphrase should be as close to the beginning as possible with the Secondary Phrases also being mentioned, including stop words so that it makes a natural, readable sentence. If your website is geographic specific, then also mention the town or country in the Description. Remember, the content here is to reinforce what your Title tag says, so make it relevant and specific. Highlight the services or products that will be found by your visitor on arrival at this page. For some Descriptions, it is a good idea to include a Call to Action that awaits the visitor, like ´Subscribe to our latest SEO Articles´.
SEO Expert Tip:A well-crafted Meta Description tag SEO and Title tag SEO together can be a killer-combination improving both visitors and conversion rates to your website.


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