Stop Banging Head for Back Links, Use SEO Tips to Connect People

SEO Tips Backlinks
It is seen as yet, many companies having SEOs on the job of promoting their websites; look for relevant websites to get back links from. It’s a conventional way or SEO Tips of getting links and it may be due to the company requirements or due to lack of SEO guides or skills that personnel has. One must always look for cut throat SEO ideas and SEO techniques to get more qualitative links from credible websites or may be from connecting people. Amazed? Well, yes it is now seen that building public and business relations is now a part of SEO Tips of 2011 in order to get good links.

Searching for relevant websites, extracting emails that may or may not work, doing a trade linking within the 2 parties is a long tiring procedure to follow and at the end you are left with bargaining for positioning of your link on that website. Well in my SEO guide, being a professional SEO isn’t to be a beggar, asking for links or bargaining but websites and businesses should link back automatically due to your work.

Why not put yourself on a slog mode. Hit sixes as much as you can by increasing the ROI of the company and getting quality back links with fewer efforts in connecting people. Let me guide you the way to search for the people for connecting that may help you in doing SEO slog for the website:

Step1: Search People

Instead of searching for relevant websites, search for relevant journalists, blog contributors, relevant community members, social networking or people with many connections in their social networks.

Step2: Following & Contributing

Following their contributions and discussions is the key to get them engaged with you and communicate. Follow wherever they may contribute to like in blogs, forums, communities, discussion boards etc. this would make a virtual connection of that person with the SEO professional.

Step3:  Building Public Relation

If the SEO gets successful in communicating with the person and connected to him/her then it is easy to identify the needs and wants of that person. Building something eye catching and informative for that person who will build strong bond between both the parties then it means the target of an SEO is set and ready to be on slog mode.

Step3:  Deliver the Idea

Sharing that information or page created especially for them is to be delivered; so that they visit the page offered and browses it for their concerns. Everything on the information shared should have meaning and should make sense for the person.  The content being shared is to have appropriate links, keywords, and quality content.

Benefits of SEO Slog via Public Relations

Progressive Link Building by sharing content to the connected people and requesting it to share with the social network. As many places the content will be shared, the back links will increase.
Likes by people for the content will automatically raise ranks in search engines due to the endorsement being done by many people.
Authentication and genuine content or information sharing is the key to success as it would gain attention by many people; brand awareness will be shared, and will be shared in the social circle.
If the content shared is valuable for users and interesting then an SEO has just to relax and see the slogging being done i.e people would share your content automatically in social media and other network sites.
Adding more valuable content to connected people attached links in the content will increase ranks, credibility and ROI of the main business website.

Organic Search Engine Optimization Checklist for Experts

(Discovery Updates - priority first)

Goal: Permanent Top Rank at all organic search engines
Commitment: I work on effective SEO, whenever I can. [Thy I Statements & Work Priorities help]
#1. I recommend creating content for one new or existing inside webpage every 15 days, for each site maintained. What is important is that your web pages have original content. Link exchange pages lack this because the title and description of the outbound urls are mostly duplicate content. On your link swap pages, words should be added to the top describing the theme of the content. When you are done filling your existing pages, one entirely new webpage should be created every 15 days.

Tip A: Offering a useful service or resource is the best way to get free backlinks, according to Matt Cutts, SEO SPAM worker at Google.

Tip B: Useful service(s) and resource(s) include: Respectable outgoing links, a poll created at, a Bookmark Us javascript, offering news updates, a certified "Seal of Approval" button from a good site, a Google Custom Search, an article on the History of your theme, a site map for users, a disclaimer, a dictionary on your site's theme, a chat room like one created at meebo, a youtube or similar video, Google Gadgets, secrets, and easy to find Contact Us link. Respectable outgoing links: A page, a page, a page, another well-known web page on your site's theme.

Tip C: I recommend creating and maintaining two site maps. One for Google Sitemaps in XML form and one for visitors.

Tip D: The creation of one new web page should be counted as two fresh backlinks. The new page must have at least three hyperlinks to other webpages at the same site.
#2. Keywords: A good start is determining your site's relevant keywords, using this Keyword Suggestion Tool and by visiting other popular sites with your theme. I keep record of popular keywords phrases each good page should contain. Semi-naturally, I fill pages with half of these keywords, then I rotate in the others when it is easy to do.

Tip A: A keyword density analyzer (after Submit, "Keywords found on page") can be used. A goal for this tool should be to understand how many times keywords should occur on a page.

Tip B: 97% of your site's pages should have no keyword that is mentioned more than seventy times or more than 5% of word density, to avoid having redundant content for users. There is a good possibility that keyword stuffing is an SE algorithm penalty according to Matt Cutts, SEO SPAM worker at Google.

Tip C: 95% of your web pages should also have its main keywords mentioned at least 2.5% of word density. The reason for this is that each page gets good search engine ranking with its main keywords.
#3. One keyword phrase should be used, for your page's 1st top engine rank goal. Your page should contain this phrase two times exactly plus two times close to the phrase. Ex: "Search Engine Optimization" twice on your page and "Search Engine" two more times.

Tip A: Beginning SEOs should focus on keyword phrases with a low to medium search volume. Phrases high in popularity can take a while for top ranking because of competition.

Tip B: A chosen keyword phrase should be used as 30% of backlink titles, and three to ten other supporting phrases for 70% of titles. When most of these get to top twenty at one engine, I like to, gradually, choose additional keyword titles. I don't like to work on over fifty backlink titles for one webpage, to avoid a possible SE algorithm penalty.

Tip C: A backlink without a keyword title should be equal, in SEO effectiveness, to one with a title. Ex: A banner with your backlink.
#4. Three or more quality backlinks placed on two-plus different sites, per your one site, every week is required. Placing three backlinks, in one week, into only one site (home and inside pages) is probably not enough to improve your site's engine rankings.

For new backlinks, I use the following Techniques, most efficient first:

   #4.1 An efficient way to quality relevant blog, forum, social-network, article posting, and link exchanges: At Google, I search for a keyword phrase, I choose a web page, then link:__ search at Yahoo. The next step is to click Inlinks. One of the drop-down menus will "Show Inlinks Except from this domain." The highest quality web pages are the Site Explorer search results at the top. Quality blog and forum comments including your backlink are good. I like to catalog all social sites that do not take comments, then avoid these. After I complete work on a Yahoo link:__ search, I catalog the url I just searched, to avoid working on the same results at a later date.
   Tip A: When your site has hundreds of different backlinks, a search for link:yourwebsite at Yahoo can help. What you can look for is the possibility of adding an additional backlink on a different page in these results. When searching for more free ad space on social-network sites, keyword will show more good hypertext-matching backlink possibilities.
   Tip B: I use two Microsoft Word documents, to organize all my site's backlinks. One for link exchanges and one for all other backlinks (forums, blogs, directories, etc). I like Microsoft Word because it allows me to color the font of every other data set, for easy viewing, without line-breaks. I resize Word to about 30% of my screen size. The other 70% fills-up the internet browsers. I use abbreviations like NW for not working, Nnf for no nofollow, NF for not found, Rcpl for reciprocal, Pw for password, and "waiting" for new backlinks not added yet. I list link swaps in alphabetical order, with the link listed at my web site first, then my abbreviated page(s) their backlink(s) is on, then the reciprocal(s) mine is on. The reciprocal should be placed at the beginning when it has the same url as the listed, to save space in the word-processor. I place all sites to avoid in a notepad document, alphabetically. I refer to this, before working on any url.
   Tip C: When visiting sites, I bookmark web pages that I can work on later. I work on only one or two of the backlink building techniques on this page at the same time. They are (1) posting, (2) link swaps, (3) buying at popular directories, and (4) other. Lack of computer memory and speed comes into play when too many programs are open at one time. I change the words in the bookmark label for theme organizing because I have different sites.
   Tip D: I recommend adding around five relevant web pages, from this Yahoo link:__ search, to your quality pages, then sending the webmasters a link exchange offer. [Thy Link Swap Scripts help] I take their link down after one month with no response. Doing this should land a quality backlink with 30% of the sites. Reason Why only Five: It minimizes possible email SPAM complaints. A backlink (link:__) search will show multiple web sites maintained by the same webmaster. When completing a link swap agreement from these, more can be easily created through a safe email reply.

   #4.2 It is safe to buy directory listings. I use lists found at the top of organic listings using keyword "directory." Two I like: Strongest Links and Inbound Link Quality Directories.
   Tip A: When submitting a site, I look for "deeplinks." These additional backlinks should be inexpensive. A deeplink is your site's inside page.
   Tip B: Before working on these, I make sure my Pay Pal balance can cover all the purchases. $400 should do for every 1 hour of work on directories. I am not stingy, some of these backlinks could end up being the best your site ever gets.

   #4.3 Posting to Blogs, through a direct visit, using Thy Big DoFollow List! I minimize posting to sites that use nofollow in: 1) The "a href" attribute of my link (<a href="" rel="nofollow">Text Link</a>), or 2) The <head> <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow"> </head>. Based on what I know, acquiring nofollow backlinks does not help any rankings. However, after watching Two Question about Nofollow and Does Google Value Its Own Links at Google Web Central, it is possible to redefine rules of the nofollow, after establishing a special nuance with Matt Cutts, head of SEO issues at Google.

   #4.4 I Post to Forums through a direct visit, after searching for "keyword forum."
   Tip A: Before registering, I like to View > Source of a page to see if other users have signatures with no nofollow.
   Tip B: I post link exchange requests showing other webmasters what inside pages I am offering for backlinks.

   #4.5 The other way to relevant quality blog, forum, and link exchanges: Simply searching an engine for your site's popular keyword phrase. Joining Yahoo and Google groups will create backlink possibilities!

   #4.6 At an engine, searching for: "your site's keyword(s) here" "Allowed HTML tags <a". What will come up is sites that allow postings using standard html <a href > code.

   #4.7 .govs and .edu backlinks: How have other webmasters successfully built these?

   #4.8 Google's Matt Cutts has more backlink building techniques.

Motivational Tip: Building good backlinks accounts for a big chunk of the reasons for high keyword rankings. SEO Reasoning Ratios Why a Website Ranks High for Keywords shows this.

Tip A: It is ok to get as many new links as you can. Matt Cutts: Is there such thing as building too many links?

Tip B: Improving BL quality: I count four new links pointing to a page that is listing my link as one new BL. I count eight new backlinks that point to a page pointing to a page listing my link as one new BL. This only works when avoiding search engine crosslinking penalties. One technique: Posting and making friends at forums will create hyperlinks pointing to your profile page that is listing your link.

Tip C: 30% to most of a site's BLs should point to its inside (non-home on www) pages.

Tip D: Most inside pages at the same site should point to each other. In other words, it is a must that your inside pages contain hyperlinks to one another. A link to one or two of your inside pages can be placed on your home page and on half its inside pages within the main content.
#5. Updating content on your main page frequently is important for organic rankings. For less important sites, I would update them whenever (naturally). Examples:,, each get an update every 3 days or sooner. and each get an update every 7 days or sooner. gets an update every 21 days. get updates when I notice they contain an outgoing link not working.

Tip A: Updating your description meta tags to reflect page content is good to do. Improving something about the first 200 words in the main body should be habitual. Adding one new sentence to the main content is possible. Deleting, adding or changing one url is good. Updating an additional web page, at the same site, will also help organic rankings. Changing a title meta tag every 6 to 24 months is good.

Tip B: The Links menu in IE browser can be used to organize due updates. Bookmarks can be renamed, using a right click. I use abbreviated words and the due date of each site's next update. I then work in an orderly fashion.

Tip C: The person worthy for the job of updating a site is the one who has potential or already works on creative writing in the site's theme. All other necessary job functions like using your web site's hosting software and learning HTML should be easy.

Yet I will put them in charge of the duties of the temple and all the work that is to be done in it. - Ezekiel 44:14

Motivational Tip: Updating accounts for a big chunk of the reasons for high keyword rankings: Reasoning Ratios Why a Website Ranks High for Keywords shows this. If you maintain a 3+ year old site with 1000+ semi-unique backlinks, then more frequent updates could increase organic traffic within ten days. [Thy Do It Yourself lists more "If you maintain, then within" scenarios, under Google Algorithm Boost Guesstimations.]
SEO Checklist
#6. Creating additional web sites [Thy Affordable Hosting] will give you the opportunity to see if you can create another high organic hitter with SEO. Also, creating Free hosting pages and blogs at other (non-owned) urls will allow for safe crosslinking.

Tip A: I recommend owning around 10 sites hosted on 3+ different servers. Any additional sites should be free. If you are the only webmaster, I would not maintain more than 15 sites. A site must be updated (attended to) to be of high SE quality. Also, I would focus on acquiring three-plus BLs a week per high engine hitter first. I know this BL focus works from my visitor stats at Google Analytics.

Tip B: The best way to go about maintaining more than 15 sites is to hire an extra webmaster(s). I maintain over 40 sites, 19 I bought and the others I picked up for free. However, it is too much work for one webmaster. The free sites I maintain are hosted at other (non-owned) urls. They include blogs, groups, and subdomains. I picked these free sites up after determining they can get high organic rankings with SEO work. Non-owned sites are likely lower quality when the index page is not branching-out to your page.

Tip C: Before signing up for a free webpage, I would check other pages at the domain to see if they come with built-in pop-up ads. Then, I would avoid these. These pop-ups are found by searching for the domain ( at an engine, then visting the results (free addresses in SERPs).

Tip D: Crosslinking with your owned sites at the same hosting company is risky. I like to avoid a big engine algorithm penalty that could occur when crosslinked sites are turned off and on at the same time.
#7. This web page, Thy I Statements, Work Priorities, Google Webmasters and Yahoo! Search Indexing should be top-priority reading. Also, at YouTube, any videos on SEO can be helpful. When you find a new idea, could you let me know about it? I can talk, through email.
#8. Links not working should be minimized because no one likes to be sent to a url not found! I manually run through all my outbound links and copy paste to notepad the bad ones. After a few days, I remove those sites that are not working for a 2nd time.
#9. The use of pop-ups must be minimized. I notice that sometimes using target="_blank" in the <a href > code will instruct the internet browser to treat it as a pop-up.
#10. Only the smallest banners, in byte size, should be placed on web pages. This helps speed up a site's load time.

Tip: Google's free Picasa can be used to edit images. Features good for SEO: Cropping, then minimizing byte size under File > Export Picture to Folder > "Resize to." Images cannot be resized in height or width (no stretching or shrinking) in Picasa, keeping all pics' high quality.
#11. The bytes (equal to keyboard characters) of html write-up should be minimized. This helps maintain fast loading pages. Traffic Stats > Average Load Time shows the % of sites that are slower. Also, at, after clicking View Source, there are few to no carriage-returns or unused spaces.
#12. Outbound links that ended a link exchange, should be removed whenever there is time. Outbounds with a PR 0 Home Page should be first-priority. I keep a list of sites to avoid for those who end link swap agreements. I then refer to this database before spending time creating another link exchange.

Tip: There is a possible engine algorithm penalty when a site has too many (over 50) outbounds on pages. Also, I would only remove outbounds after the other webmaster removes your backlink.
#13. The amount of images, on every web page, should be minimized, to keep a site fast.

Tip A: All images should be named using a relevant keyword(s). Any image names (web address locations) that are being used on other websites should be kept on your server (not be deleted). This is done by copying the image, then creating a different name for the duplicate. After doing this, there will be two of the same images in your hosting server but with different addresses (names).

Tip B: All-to-most of a site's images must be saved into its own hosting server. This will help keep your site's speed contingent on one server.
#14. Your site's hosting server should be fast. This is for user friendliness.
#15. Title meta tags, on all web pages, must contain minimal amount of hyphens, commas and stop words (a, if, the, then, and, an, to, etc). Description meta tags, on all quality pages, must reflect the content and contain minimal amount of the @ symbol.
#16. Good <h1>, <h2> and bold tags are a must.
#17. To optimize a site's speed, Google recommends using Mozilla Firefox Web Browser & Firebug Add On.
#18. Your sites' hosting services should be on automatic renew. If you own a bunch of sites, your big renew charge must clear your available credit card (or other method of payment) amount. Also, it is important to update your credit card, right before it expires.
#19. Logging SEO work can help to guesstimate the causes of a site's higher rankings. Why not go out on a limb and do something on this checklist that you have not done?
#20. Maintaining link swap and other Email Scripts in notepad helps streamline work. I would only send emails that are professional. Adding your name and contact info at the end of these looks good.
#21. An author meta tag will increase the odds of coming up in a search for your name. Example: Use <meta name="Author" content="yournamehere"> between the <head> </head> tags. This tag could give a site higher engine algorithm score because its author's name is in the public eye, a condition of trustworthiness cultivation.
This SEO Checklist can be highly effective, when used with Thy I Statements & Work Priorities.

TOP 10 Search Engine Optimization Tips

 TOP 10 Search Engine Optimization Tips

Please enjoy these award-winning Top 10 SEO Tips for webmasters and website owners. Too many people make the mistake of spending thousands of dollars on just Pay-Per-Click (Sponsored Ads) campaigns before they realize that most people click on the non-sponsored listings more than "Sponsored Ads". There are several hundred techniques to achieve higher ranking in the search results, but these Top 10 SEO Tips are in my opinion the most valuable and timeless. They are also current, as I'm making a point to update this list respective to changes in search engine algorthims.
The Top 10 SEO Tips contained in this tutorial were created after years of experimentation and practical application with hundreds of client websites, mostly with final results of achieving higher ranking within the first page of search engine results. We hope you find these SEO tips valuable. For an in-depth study of everything we know about search engine optimization, please visit our new Blog Marketing Toolkit website, download our free eBook, or give us a call.
SEO Tip #1: Find the Best Keywords

It would be a waste of your time to optimize your website for keywords that are not even being searched for. Even if you do get top placement for a broad keyword that isn't what most users are looking for, Google will calculate the number of times users did not select your listing, and the number of times they returned to the search results to choose a different website. Trying to beat this calculation is futile and more often then not, just a huge waste of time and energy.
Therefore you should invest some resources into finding the best keywords; those that turn searches into purchases or leads. Buying Sponsored Ads and paying for high end design and usuability is best place to start. However, there are several SEO tools and SEO software available on the Internet to help you find the best keywords; most of which are offered by the search engines themselves and are completely free.
Here is a core principle of the Top 10 SEO Tips: When using any SEO tool for doing keyword research, start by keeping your searches ambiguous, creating categories, and drilling down to create small clusters (or silos) of keywords. The results will always return new suggestions and ideas, sometimes surprising ones that you may not have thought of. In the Sponsored Ads, these clusters become your ad groups. With your SEO, they become the directories (or taxonomy) of the content you'll want to have on your website.
Behavioral-targeting and using Long Tail Keywords are an excellent way to get higher ranking quickly for keywords that generate sales, and will have longevity to them in the search results. Poor keyword examples would be: kindle, nike shoes, roommate new york. Here are some examples of keywords that are ideal for SEO:
Buy Used Amazon Kindle Online
Nike Shoes Kobe Mens Size 10
Find a Roommate in NYC
SEO Tip #2: Discover What Your Competitors are Doing

It's a fact and one of my Top 10 SEO Tips, that search engines analyze incoming links to your website as part of their ranking criteria. Knowing how many incoming links your competitors have, will give you a fantastic edge. Of course, you still have to discover your competitors before you can analyze them.
Your analysis of competitors should include these extremely important linking criteria (super SEO tips), such as:
Competitor rank in the search engines
Quantity AND quality of incoming links (prioritized)
What keywords are in the title of linking page?
% of links containing specific keywords in the link text
The Google PageRank™ or MozRank of linking pages
The popularity of the linking domain and the linking page (measured by links & mentions)
Aside from using some of the awesome SEO software mentioned on this website, here are some things I personally do when researching a competitor:
Click the link to their Site Map page and see what keyword you find in the links
Get a savvy web person to find and parse their XML Site Map to find keywords in page names
View the HTML title and meta tags of your top competitors to compile a list of needed content
SEO Tip #3: Write Very Linkable & Sharable Content

An article is not a sexy thing to look at here in today's online marketing world. Generic content can't be slapped together and thrown online with the hope that it will get high ranking for the life of that page of content. Think about the book the Long Tail that I linked to above. I do because the content was meanful and useful to me in my career as an SEO Expert. The content could have these attributes if it has any hope of earning and sustaining higher ranking in the search engine results (many of these came directly from Google):
The content is useful
The content is original
You can't help but link to it
There are supportive facts and references
There's enough detail that nobody can memorize it
Something fun or interesting is included (like video)
It's not just blah, blah, blah, content
There's enough call to action to invoke engagement
There are visual examples, charts, and references
You had multiple contributors who all link to the content
You thank or compliment someone who shares it with others
You have an offer, discount, or promotion included
How To's and tutorials are a great way to get people to link
Create a controversy
Answer questions
Conduct research & discuss the results
Get involved with social media
Create lists (Top 50 Link Building Techniques, etc)
Get a blog and establish yourself as an authority
Run a service or create a product (ie: Firefox extension)
SEO Tip #4: Optimize Your Title and Meta Tags

HTML titles and meta tags should be different on every page of your website if you wish for most search engines to store and list them in the search results. Us SEO Expert's have experimented with these two pieces of code to help us reach an accepted conclusion about how best to use them and what happens when you optimize them.
The meta "keywords" tag won't be discussed in to much detail here, since Google has announced that they do not use the meta keywords tag in their ranking criteria. Because Google has 64 percent market share in search, that should be enough to convince you to not spend a lot of time on this attribute.
Optimizing Your Homepage Title

There are different theories about how long your homepage title should be. Since Google only displays the first 66 or so characters (with spaces), my Top 10 SEO tips for the title on anything other than the homepage would be to keep the title under 66 characters and relevant to the content on the page. However, some (including myself) argue that the value of the homepage title may warrant additional search term inclusion. Let's take a look at Amazon and Ebay homepage titles:
eBay - New & used electronics, cars, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods & more at low prices Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more
Local SEO Services, Local Search Engine Optimization, Mobile Search, Online Advertising for Local Businesses | - Computers, Electronics, Digital Cameras, Books, DVDs, Music, Games, Software, Toys, Sports
Optimizing Your Homepage Meta Description

Same best practice applies here. Get those top terms into a description that isn't spamy and is a clear indicator of what your website is about. Below are the meta descriptions from eBay and Amazon.
Buy and sell electronics, cars, clothing, apparel, collectibles, sporting goods, digital cameras, and everything else on eBay, the world's online marketplace. Sign up and begin to buy and sell - auction or buy it now - almost anything on
Online shopping from the earth's biggest selection of books, magazines, music, DVDs, videos, electronics, computers, software, apparel & accessories, shoes, jewelry, tools & hardware, housewares, furniture, sporting goods, beauty & personal care, broadband & dsl, gourmet food & just about anything else.
The rule of thumb here is to get your most important keywords into your homepage title and meta description.
Optimizing Subpage Titles and Meta Tags

Let's take a break for a moment and discuss Click-Through Rate (CTR) and Bounce Rate. When you perform a search in a search engine, what shows up in your web browser is called an impression. When you make a selection, that selection is called a click. Google and other search engines record each impression and each click to help them understand which listings are being clicked on the most. They also record patterns (so stop thinking about getting all your friends to search for and click your listing). If the majority of normal search volume selects your listing, you'll have a higher CTR and higher ranking; same applies for Sponsored Ads by the way.
That being said, if a healthy percentage of searchers return to Google's search results (called a Bounce) and select a different listing, your CTR value will be reduced and ultimately so will your ranking.
To get and stay at the top of the search results, you need to be the most attractive listing in the search result, and you need to provide enough content to prevent the searcher from leaving your website to find a different listing.

This one SEO tip could make or break your SEO campaign. Click-Through Rate (CTR) plays an instrumental role in how relevant Google thinks your website is. By compelling users to click with clear call-to-actions (buy, order, download, beat, fix, etc) and by using value propositions (guaranteed, on sale now, etc), one can improve their CTR and search engine ranking. Oh, don't forget to squeeze your keywords in there as well.
If you ever forget this SEO tip, just perform a search in Google for "title tag principles", where you'll find my listing invoking these principles. Told ya I was good at this stuff, didn't I?
Here's some sample syntax:
<title>Call to Action, Keywords, & Value Proposition (under 66 characters)</title>
<meta name="description" content="Differently worded call to action, keywords, & value proposition (under 160 characters)" />
<meta name="keywords" content="one to five keywords separated by commas" />
SEO Tip #5: Optimizing Your Headings and Subheadings

In college and some high schools, essays are written using a standard guideline created by the Modern Language Association (MLA). These guidelines included how to write you cover page, title, paragraphs, how to cite references, etc. On the Web, we follow the W3C's guidelines as well as commonly accepted "best practices" for organizing a web page (page structure).
Headings play an important role in organizing information, so be sure to include ONLY ONE H1 tag when assembling your page, and optionally using one or more subheading (H2-H6). Using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), I was able to make my h1 at the top of this page more appealing. Here's a piece of code you can pop into your heading:
<style type="text/css">
      h1 font-size: 18px;
      h2 font-size: 16px;
      h3 font-size: 14px;
Since a page full of headings would look just plain silly, my SEO tip would be to fill in the blank space with paragraphs, ordered and unordered lists, images, and other content. Try to get at least 400+ words on each page.
SEO Tip #6: Use Title and ALT Attributes

Using the title attribute is a direct method of telling the search engines and the user more information about where a link will take them if they click through it. It's also a W3C standard for making your page accessible to those who are visually impared. In other words, blind folks can navigate through your website using a special browser that reads title and ALT attributes. Sample syntax might be:
<a href="" title="SEO Software to Help You Get Higher Search Engine Ranking">SEO Software</a>
The ALT Attribute is used for the same reasons as the title attribute, but is specifically for describing an image to the search engine and to the visually impared. Here's how you might use ALT attribute in an image tag:
<img src="" alt="Top 10 SEO Tips - Search Engine Marketing Tips and SEO Software Featured by SEO Expert Steve Wiideman">
SEO Tip #7: Optimizing File Nomenclatures

Whenever possible, you should save your images, media, and web pages with the keywords in the file names. For example, if your keyword phrase is "golf putters" you'll want to save the images used on that page as golf-putters-01.jpg or golf_putters_01.jpg (either will work). It's not confirmed, but many SEO's have experienced improvement in ranking by renaming images and media. You also may receive visits from Google Images and other media search queries.
More important is your web page's filename, since many search engines now allow users to query using "inurl:" searches. For fun, try this query in Google (copy/paste): "ebook filetype:pdf". You'll find all you can eat eBooks (you're welcome).
Your filename for the golf putters page could be golf-putters.html or golf_putters.html. Anytime there is an opportunity to display or present content, do your best to insure the content has the keywords in the filename (as well as a Title or ALT attribute).
You may need to contact your IT department or webmaster to rewrite your page URLs if your website platform is non-accommodating to custom URL nomenclature.
SEO Tip #8: Tell the Search Engines What to Index

I may take a lot of heat from the other SEO's out there for this one, especially because Google and other search engines have already helped reduce the amount of duplicate content indexed. However, I do enough search queries that begin with "site:" to know that duplicate content is still a major issue. Worse, I see a lot of files showing up in the indexes that should be hidden from the world (case in study: all the free PDF's you're probably still downloading from SEO Tip #7).
Optimizing Your robots.txt File

By far the easiest top 10 SEO tips you will ever do as it relates to search engine optimization is include a robots.txt file at the root of your website. Open up a text editor, such as Notepad and type "User-agent: *". Then save the file as robots.txt and upload it to your root directory on your domain. This one command will tell any spider that hits your website to "please feel free to crawl every page of my website".
Hopefully, you've already moved all the excessive JavaScripts and CSS styles into their own folders on your website to reduce the filesize and load time of the pages on your website. If you have, adding a simple "Disallow: /js/" to a file called the robots.txt will tell the crawlers not to bother with files in the JS folder and to only focus on your content, as opposed to non-important source code. Here's an example of the robots.txt file from this website:

Redirecting Duplicate Content

For consistency, it's better to have one version of each page to get all the inbound links and earn all of the points with the search engines. This means telling Google and Bing (in their respective Webmaster Tools) to only index the www.-version of your website (or the non-www version if you're "one of those types of people"). You can also use your Windows Server or a file called the .htaccess file on your Apache server to permanently redirect one version to the other.
Next, add a new tag to every page of your website to prevent other versions of the page from appearing in the search results. Just think about all the different ways we display content. There are often "Print View", "Flash Version", and pages with reviews, ratings and comments that append page URLs with strings such as &rating=5, &view=print, etc. To correct this issue, we add a Canonical Tag to every page of the website. Here's the syntax:
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
Finally, you should round up all those domains you bought and make sure they are pointing to your one main website with a 301 Permanent Redirect. Bruce Clay created a way to this efficiently which he called an IP Funnel. I've been the victim of this so many times being an SEO Expert. More than once, I've found myself scratching my head trying to figure out why a website would not get Google PageRank™, only to find out later than an older domain held by the client had been displaying the same content and had been the one Google gave the credit to.
SEO Tip #9: Feed Search Engines Static and XML Site Maps

Optimizing Your Static Site Map

PageRank is relative and shared throughout a website by a unique voting system created by Google. I could spend two days trying to explain how PageRank™ works, but what it comes down to is having efficient navigation throughout your site. That where a site map page comes in. Since every page on the website will be linked to the site map, it allows webcrawlers (and users) to quickly and easily find content. This SEO tip is one of my favorite of top 10 SEO tips.
It used to take 4 clicks to get to a product page at By creating a site map, users and search engines can now access any page on the site with only two clicks. The PageRank from these deep pages went from 0 to 2 in about 3 months and the ranking went from virtually not existent to #1 almost across the board for nearly 2,000 pages on their site.

Feel free to search Google for any of the terms on this catalog page, such as MITSUBISHI Monitor Repair. See how powerful a static site map can truly be.
Using XML Site Maps

Though you may feel like it is impossible to get listed high in Google's search engine result page, believe it or not that isn't Google's intention. They simply want to insure that their viewers get the most relevant results possible. In fact, they've even created a program just for webmasters to help insure that your pages get cached in their index as quickly as possible. They call the program Google Sitemaps. In this tool, you'll also find a great new linking tool to help discover who is linking to your website.
For Google, these two pieces in the top 10 SEO tips would be to read the tutorial entitled How Do I Create a Sitemap File and to create your own. To view the one on this page, website simply right-click this SEO Tips Sitemap.xml file and save it to your desktop. Open the file with a text editor such as Notepad.
Effective 11/06, Google, Yahoo!, and Bing will be using one standard for site maps. Below is a snippet of the standard code as listed at Optional fields are lastmod, changefreq, and priority.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>








SEO Tip #10: Use Checklists and Validators

There are several ways to validate the accuracy of your website's source code. The four most important, in my opinion, are validating your search engine optimization, HTML, CSS and insuring that you have no broken links or images.
Start by analyzing broken links. One of the W3C's Top 10 SEO Tips would be for you to use their tool to validate links. If you have a lot of links on your website, this could take awhile, so I recommend trying Xenu's Link Sleuth, which you can find on our SEO Software page.
Next, revisit the W3C to analyze HTML and CSS. Here is a link to the W3C's HTML Validation Tool and to their CSS Validation Tool. A new, unbelievable tool just came out that does much better than some of these older ones, and that is the Qualidator Site Analyzer tool, which you can also find listed in our SEO Software page.
The final step in the last of my Top 10 SEO Tips is to validate your search engine optimization. Without having to purchase software, the best online tool I know of for this (now) is my own SEO Audit List, which contains website-level SEO validation, webpage-level SEO structure and keyword optimization, and off-page SEO strategies you should have in your arsenal. You can also use and other online tools. However, they aren't as inclusive (yet) as my Audit Checklist.
Other SEO Tips

If you liked the SEO tips above, you're going to love my newest Free SEO eBook, entitled: SEO in a Day. It's packed full of more tips and tutorials, was well as some great ideas for developing incoming links. You may also enjoy our blog at
Thanks for stopping by!

99-point SEO Check-up

The Happy Guy Marketing offers a 99-point website SEO audit:

First, a confession. Your website SEO audit won’t really be 99 points. It’s just a marketing gimmick, because “137-point check-up” doesn’t have the same ring. But what counts is that we really put your website under the microscope for a complete analysis.
We look at every facet of your website that can affect your search engine rankings and provide you with a list of specific actions to take to improve your rankings and “rankability”. Each point will include simple explanations of what needs to be done, as well as the SEO theory behind our recommendations. Furthermore, we rate every point for importance and also for urgency, so you will know exactly where to focus your attention.
NOTE: We do NOT provide a generalized report or some 99 SEO tips manual. You can find that type of information all over the Internet. They are a dime a dozen, although many are not worth that much. When we conduct your 99-point check-up, we get our hands greasy under the hood ofyourwebsite and deliver recommendations specific toyourwebsite. Beginners can apply SEO tips; our complete SEO audit is for serious website owners who want superior performance.
Our SEO audit will identify three types of issues:
Missed SEO opportunities that your website should capture
Barriers to search engine rankings that should be removed
Effective tactics already in place that should not be removed or impeded
  1. At just $900, the SEO audit is an affordable way to get a complete overview of the best ways to improve your website’s rankings, prioritized for your action. Here are just a few of the areas your 99-point SEO check-up will cover when we create your report:
  2. Website domain issues
  3. Website structure and architecture
  4. Website content and theme analysis
  5. Internal navigation
  6. A detailed review of your top 4 pages
  7. Outbound links analysis
  8. Inbound links analysis
  9. Usability (brief overview only)
  10. Tags, meta tags and tag attributes
If you are ready to put your website on top SEO performance, we are ready to provide the check-up it needs. We will need to know your top search terms you are targeting for your site overall, the top four pages and what search terms each one is specifically targeting (the main search term and 2 – 4 others), the location of your target market.

Read more:

Search engine optimization (SEO) Amazing TIPS

In general, users do not make much use of the lists of favorites or bookmarks browsers provide systems and rarely directly typed the URL of the page you wish to go, because he might not know it.

Given this dynamic, web positioning strategies are critical . Since on the other hand, after a search of less than 40% of Internet users reached the second page of results that provides a search engine, and only 10% check to the third. This is where it is clear the need to achieve visibility and to achieve this we need to think like search engines to better communicate with them.

Google, Yahoo, MSN and company order their results through mathematical algorithms that undergo analysis hundreds of factors. Each company uses a different formula and the idea is not decipher.

The answer lies in the SEO . SEO is the acronym for "search engine optimization (Search Engine Optimization) or" search engine optimizer "(Search Engine Optimizer), which gives us a series of clues and techniques to interpret the mode of operation search engines.

1. Content

What users see vs. what are the search engines. Users can watch and / or read the website but search engines can only read the programming code with which they are developed and, even today, still can not read them all equally, for example, Flash has recently joined Google results but can not be optimized as HTML.

Graphics, sounds and videos are part of a page that search engines can not decipher it is for this reason that the positioning work is based on HTML tags and text.

2. Indexability

This concept refers to the ownership of the page to be properly indexed by search engine robots, allowing access to all corners, facilitating navigation and showing all its contents clearly.

"The meta tags
The Meta Tags are code in the header is not visible on screen when displaying the page. There are several types of Meta-Tags and they do a description of the content and features we want that search engines take into account.

    * Meta Robots :         This tag is only necessary if you want that page is not indexed in search engines.
    * Meta Description :  This tag is important because it allows us to make a more profound than in the title, which we refer to the page content.
    * Meta Keywords :    Perhaps the most important, she put the key words through the schools want this page to be found on search engines. Any other Meta tag is not considered by most search engines, only for some very specialized. It is noteworthy that Meta tags are not a magic solution to position a site in search engines, you must use all the techniques to be successful.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

In conclusion, the main goal HTML tags to keep in mind for a good positioning are:

- Title.Before entering into any other theme or gimmick positioning is important to define the titles of our pages, which should make a brief reference to the content of the page to which you are assigning, taking care to include the most important word describe the page or section to which we refer.

- Description.Individual short description or abstract of the document as a meta tag that summarizes in a brief and concise content of the document and that may appear below the title in the "SERP's (search results pages of search engines.)

- H1, H2, H3, ... HnCorrespond to the holders of any websites, so that the text you include in this tag will be taken into account for the contents of the page. Its importance depends on the number that accompanies them, H1 being the most important and so on until H6. You should only use a single level page and not found much use beyond the H4.

"The relevanceRelevance is an important point, this means that any word used in the title and meta tags of the page in question should be included within the text content of the page. It is noteworthy that some practices are penalized by search engines such as using hidden text and word lists.

"The URLYou try to be as descriptive as possible and semantically also facilitate proper indexing of the document. As an example: / activity-main.html
To strengthen the content of the page and improve your position in search engines is important that labels view the URL above and have the same content.

»PhotosAre not read by search engines, but you can rename them or give them descriptive attributes to facilitate indexing. A picture of a cat whose name is "12345.jpg" is not very descriptive, but if you change it to "gato.jpg" and you're telling the search engines what is that picture. And you can add the ALT attribute, very important for accessibility of documents and for proper indexing, with a description of the photo, in this case ALT = "a gray cat," and that will also serve people with disabilities be aware of their visual content.

"The outgoing links
They are also an important factor in the confidence that generates a site. Always try to add value to the user through the content with outbound links. Since your users can not navigate all the available web pages: Convert your reference page with unique content and a number of resources that extend and complement the information.

"The mapFinally, your site should include a file sitemap.xml , a map of your site to facilitate proper indexing by search engines.
3. KeywordsOne of the most crucial factors in the management of the natural results are the key words, as in any book we are informed of the contents of the page and to be text, are perfectly understood by search engines, you should avoid using text as: "Home Page", "Home," Name of the Institution. "Search engines are the main gateway to cyberspace. A person who wants to find a page on the Internet, usually done through a search engine.

All positioning campaign must begin with the analysis of the keywords or keywords for which you want to optimize the website. Keywords means those words such as "hotel" or strings of words such as "hotels in Barcelona, and your choice will depend on the content of your campaign goals, and finally, the target or target to which you want to address .

The SEO is roughly 4 points:* Content. Basis of SEO, without content you have nothing to position . The aim is that the content created, has quality and is accessible and readable by search engines. You      can use SEO-Browser to view your site as you would a search engine.
* S.E.O. (search engine optimization)Keywords (keywords) . The basis for the classification of any form are the key words, for according to the words that we include on our site, we store the search engines. So choose the best keywords for your site is one of the great challenges of SEO . The typical procedure for choosing and finding keywords is that   once chosen the theme on which we write, we make an investigation of possible keywords, through research on the topic to see what kind of concepts and words are which      are more related to it and then brainstorm ideas related words (can be via a tool like Google for keywords ). Once you've identified several key words then check the      
frequency with which they are searched and choose according to your target market and existing competition for that keyword. It should be noted that the term " keyword "does not necessarily refer to a word and in most cases refers to phrases .

* Optimization. Once you have the list of keywords you're using should try to take the best advantage of optimizing your content using tags , as the title (title), headers (h1, h2, h3, ...) and description (mini-summary of your page.)

* Authority. The way you show the search engines that our site is relevant, is through the sites we link. Making other sites link to us is what is known as link building . In addition, since the content is not sold by itself is important to promote related sites, portals and social networks and eventually cultivate relationships with other bloggers and with your own readers, it is these that can help you promote you by word of mouth.

4 . Professional Services

Hiring an SEO is a very important decision that can improve your site and save time, but also risk damage to your reputation. Make sure to research the potential benefits and the damage that a solvent can cause little SEO on your site. Many SEOs and other agencies and consultants provide useful services for website owners, including:
    * Review the content and site structure.
    * Technical assistance in the development of web sites, for example, hosting, redirects, error pages, using JavaScript, etc.
    * Content Development.
    * Management online business development campaigns.
    * Keyword research.
    * SEO training.
    * Experience in specific sectors and geographic regions.

Advertise on Google does not influence the position in which your site appears in search results. Google never accepts money to include or rank sites in our search results, appear in organic search results is free.

There are free resources such as Google Webmaster Tools, the Webmaster Central blog and the official forum, which can provide a wealth of information about optimizing your site for organic search. You can find many of these free resources and information on paid search in Google Webmaster Central .
Visit :

Leaking PageRank PR

confuses a lot of webmasters and SEO Consultants. Another SEO asked me in the newsgroup why the site is PR10 despite having a lot of external links on the home page, basically why isn’t the leaked PR damaging the sites PR10 home page (the SEO consultant doesn’t believe PR leaks).
The SEO in question has misunderstood PageRank and how PR leaks from a site. Going to give a relatively simple explanation with what I hope is easy to understand maths.
How PR works
Every page has intrinsic PR, for ease of maths lets imagine every NEW page with no links to it has 1 PR point (not PR1, but an arbitrary unit we are calling PR points). This is intrinsic PR, our starting point for all those PR10 pages out there
When a page links to other pages it transfers** 85% (85% is the dampening factor from the original PR formula, might be more/less now, but doesn’t matter) of it’s PR points to the other pages it links to in a fair way.
**Transfers isn’t the right term as it suggest the original page looses PR, it doesn’t loose PR. You could imagine the “transfer” as creating PR points that is then transferred to the linked to pages, so the original page keeps it’s PR points.
If a page links to 17 pages each of those 17 pages receive 1/17th of the PR points available, in this case 1/17th of 85% of a single PR point equals 0.05 PR points.
Since the 17 pages also started with one PR point now they have 1.05 PR points each. These then link to other pages, transferring 85% of the total value they have accumulated from all links (so 85% of 1.05).
An important point though is once a page has PR it doesn’t loose it directly through links, as I said with the transfer note it’s more of a creation process. When a page links out (internal or external) 85% of it’s PR points are recreated/duplicated and they are shared equally to the linked pages. So it doesn’t matter if there is one link or 1,000 links from a page, 85% (it’s always 85% or whatever the dampening factor is now) of the total PR points of that page is recreated and then shared to all linked to pages. If it’s to one link that gets all 85% if 1,000 links each gets 1/1000th of 85%!!
Some people get confused at this point, they see an infinite creation of PR that they think would mean it’s easy to make PR10 pages. That’s why there is a dampening factor, every page has 1 PR point and 85% of it transfers to other pages through links. If you take the simplest scenario of 1 page linking to one other page-
–> = link to another page transferring 85% of the PR points.
1 PR point –> 0.85 PR points –> 0.7225 PR points –> 0.614125 PR points –> 0.52200625 PR points –> 0.4437053125 PR points
You can see the amount of PR points from the first page decreases (by 15%) as the chain of links increases. So the last page in the above chain has gained 0.4437053125 PR points that originated from the 1st page in the chain. As it happens move through ~15 links away from the original page and the recipient pages receive less than 1% of the first pages PR points. So the effects of a new page is limited due to the dampening factor.
The above ignores the intrinsic PR points the other pages had, if we add those you can see how PR accumulates-
1 PR point –> 1.85 PR points –> 2.5725 PR points –> 3.186625 PR points –> 3.70863125 PR points –> 4.1523365625 PR points
Remember this isn’t PR, it’s our PR points units the above linking system would still result in 7 PR0 pages, but the last page has more PR value than the previous 6 pages.
PR always goes up in the chain, never down so once a page has PR it can’t loose it through linking out. What linking out does is share the PR equally between all links.
The above link scheme is very simple, if we add just two links from the second to the last page in our chain (the page with 3.70863125 PR points) our final page that used to have 4.1523365625 PR points ‘looses’ PR points because the new pages gets a fair share-
1 PR point –> 1.85 PR points –> 2.5725 PR points –> 3.186625 PR points –> 3.70863125 PR points (links to 2 pages)
–> 2.57616828125 PR points (used to have 4.1523365625 PR points)
–> 2.57616828125 PR points (new page gains half the PR points).
And if it was three links-
–> 1.902877083 PR points (used to have 4.1523365625 PR points)
–> 1.902877083 PR points
–> 1.902877083 PR points
And if it was four links-
–> 1.788084140625 PR points (used to have 4.1523365625 PR points)
–> 1.788084140625 PR points
–> 1.788084140625 PR points
This is where leaking PR comes into play. Because PR points (PR) is spread equally through all links if we add new links to a page on our sites the original linked to pages gain less PR. Using the above examples if we had a home page with two internal links from it and we add two external links as well (4 links in total) you can see the two original internal links loose half the PR points they used to gain from the home page!!
This is leaking PR and doing something like this could be disastrous to a sites SERPs.
Fortunately it’s rare to have a home page with just two internal links, so the effects of adding external links is reduced. For example if we have a home page with 10 internal links they each receive 1/10th of the PR transferred from the home page. If we now add one external link the original 10 pages go from 1/10th of the PR to 1/11th since the new link receives a fair share.
How to Protect Your Sites PR
It should be obvious, think twice before linking to external sites. No external links means no lost or leaked PR.
Realistically you are going to link to external sites, so here’s a few tips to minimize the damage.
Avoid externally linking from the home page or your highest PR pages. Your home page will probably have the highest PR, if you can add no external links from it (unless to your own sites) this will protect the most PR possible.
Basically 10% of a PR6 page is worth a heck of a lot more than 90% of a PR3 page. If your home page is PR6 with 9 internal links from it and you add one external you’ve just leaked 10% of your PR6 link/PR benefit! If you have a PR3 links page with one internal link and 9 external links, you are leaking 90% of much less PR/link benefit.
So add external links to lower PR pages, give external sites less of your cake leaving more for you
You’ll note the PR is shared equally between all links, so if you increase the number of your links from a page it decrease the PR leaked to other sites. For example a site with 9 of your links and one external leaks 10% of the Pr/link benefit. Add 10 more of your links and now you leak 5% from that page, much better.
If you’ve looked into buying text links for PR you should keep an eye out for the above technique, you can find quite high PR pages selling text links, but they’ve really bulked up the number of internal links (I’ve seen over 150 on some sites!!) this means the buyer gets little link benefit from the link purchase!
rel=”nofollow” added to links tells the major search engines not to count this as a link. Useful for when you don’t want to use PR on a page, but don’t use it on your reciprocal link partners etc…, it’s not nice
When NOT to Protect PR
It’s difficult to prove conclusively, but I strongly believe Google will give a page a boost if it links to highly relevant pages, a lot of this boost will be due to the anchor text of the links, but I think some is due to the link destination as well. I’ve run tests on rel=”nofollow” and the anchor text of the links does count towards the pages SERPs, but I don’t know if by adding nofollow if it takes something away from the links.
So though it means sending PR to external sites I do advise linking out to relevant pages when it makes sense, it does help with rankings. Just try to avoid linking from the home page and other high PR pages.

Keyword Research

Keyword Research is the most important part of Search Engine Optimisation. Finding the right keywords to optimise your website can be the difference between success and failure for your business. Don´t leave it to chance. Rise above your competition and get that number 1 position.
Keyword Research Guide:Keyword Research Guide is all about finding the perfect keywords for your website optimisation. Beat your competitors and get that number 1 ranking on SERPs.
Keyword Analysis Tutorial:
This Keyword Analysis Tutorial will show you how to choose the best keywords for your website from your Keyword Research using Free Tools and common sense analysis.
Google AdWords Keyword Tool Tutorial:
Read this Google Adwords Keyword Tool Tutorial for great Keyword Research advice and finding the best keywords for your business.
Wordtracker Keyword Tool:
Wordtracker Keyword Tool offers an excellent way to find your keywords. Take advantage of Wordtracker´s 1 week Free Trial.
Understanding Your Competition:Keyword Analysis means understanding your competition, analysing your Keywords and also seeing the types of business that make up your competition for your SEO campaign.

Blogging Tips

Blogging is a great way to talk to your visitors and allow them to comment on your posts. Blogs give your business a more personal feel and allows your visitors to interact with your website improving their online experience. Learn how to blog effectively with the following Blogging Tips from Free SEO Expert.
Blogging IntroductionBlogs Introduction offers advice on creating a blog and blogging tips. All you need is something to say. Blogs add content to your website easily and effortlessly.
Blogging SuccessfullySearch Engines love blogs and Blogging Successfully is great for driving traffic to your website. For Blogging success, write what you know with passion and as often as you can.
Social Blogging SuccessfullyBlogging Successfully means getting people to talk about your content and to link to it without being asked is the golden egg of SEO. Social blogging with your blog will bring success.
Free Blog Directories SubmissionBlog Submission to Free Directories is one of the most important things you can do to get yourself noticed. If you have great content, let people know about it.
Why Blogging is Important?Why Blogs are important is because they generate interest in visitors so that they return regularly. One way is by providing value and writing about something you are passionate of.

Landing Page Optimisation

This Landing Page optimisation article is designed to help you persuade more visitors to convert into customers. Don´t be fooled into thinking your website does not have or need a landing page. Your Home Page receives the majority of traffic and is the Landing Page for your business. By viewing your home page as a landing page, you will turn more of your visitors into customers.
The Landing Page:
People who have heard of a ´Landing Page´, generally think of it as a page specifically designed with the purpose of converting visitors to a website into customers by persuading them to perform some ´desired´ action like buying a product, and they would be right. They may also think that most websites don´t have or need to worry about a landing page because it is only required for visitors who come specifically from advertising like Google Adwords, and they would be wrong.
The majority of visitors to your website will arrive at your home page and they will be directed there from search engines, advertising, directories and backlinks that you have probably set up yourself. Without doubt, your Home Page is THE most important page of your website and it is there for one purpose only, to get that visitor to perform some desired action. You have less than a second before your visitor has decided they are either going to leave, or hopefully, have glanced at something that has caught their interest. It´s as quick as that. View your home page as a landing page now. Close your eyes, clear your mind and open them again to look at your homepage. Without thinking, what does it tell you? Does it tell you what you want it to tell you? If not, perform landing page optimisation so that it does.
Call to Action:
Think of why you have built your website. What is its goal. Is it to sell? Is it to offer a service? What is its primary goal? These are important questions to ask yourself and the basis of Converting Visitors into Customers. For my website, my primary goal is to sell my services, therefore my Call to Action is to get a visitor to the services they are interested in. Therefore, within that second I have to tell them they have come to the right place, which is why my page just talks SEO, in its logo, headings, links, bullet points, etc. It doesn´t shout, it doesn´t whisper, it talks. A good home page focuses the entire page on a single, particular theme. Keep the language simple, uncluttered and easy to scan with headers and bullet points. Highlight benefits rather than features. Tell them your Unique Value Position which is what separates your product or service from your competitors.
Golden Triangle:
Keep the Golden Triangle in mind. When a visitor comes to your website they will view it from top-left to top-right and then down to bottom-left. This triangle should say exactly what your business is all about and what they need to do next to get more information, without having to scroll the page downwards, or heaven forbid, sideways! If you are selling, place assurances, testimonials and guarantees to show you are a creditable company. If you have a service, list all the benefits that sets your business apart from your competitors.
It takes a lot of hard work to get visitors to your website. By performing some simple Conversion Rate Optimisation techniques on your home page you can turn more of these visitors into customers.
SEO Expert Tip:
Don´t give your visitor a reason to leave. Give them a reason to stay. Perform Landing Page optimisation.

Meta Description Tag SEO

The Meta Description is an important tag because search engines typically use its contents underneath Links when displaying Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). For this reason it is important to write a well-optimised, unique description for every page in your website, and you can learn how to do so here.
Meta Description Tag:Just like the Title Tag, the Meta Description tag is also found in the Head portion of a web page and is also invisible to visitors to your website. Search engines however do like to use the contents here when displaying their results pages. If you can write a compelling tag that allows people to scan what your website is, what it does and what you offer, all in a glance, then you will get more visitors to your website. This tag offers a fantastic opportunity to really sell and promote your website exactly where it counts, on Search Engine Results Pages.
How Important is This Tag?For me, important enough to take the time to write a good one. Not many people write a compelling tag. If they use a Meta Description tag SEO at all, it is typically filled with the contents of the first paragraph on the page. This is a waste of a great marketing opportunity. Just try a search in your favourite search engine for anything you like and do your typical glance as you scan the page for what you´re looking for. The first thing I look for is an interesting link Title. It´s not the keywords that grab me which are bold, but the whole sentence itself. When I find one I like, my eye then briefly goes to the content underneath. I do this subconsciously to reinforce my choice. If I like what it says, I´ll click it. Your Title and Description tags together form your shop window to entice visitors in to your shop. Once someone has clicked, these tags have done their job. The Description tag alone will not bring visitors to your website, but it will greatly help the Title tag to do this job.
Meta Description Tag SEO:The contents should not be paragraphs of text, but simply a couple of sentences that accurately describe the contents of the page. The theme of the page should flow through everything on your page and it should be the same here. Your Primary Keyphrase should be as close to the beginning as possible with the Secondary Phrases also being mentioned, including stop words so that it makes a natural, readable sentence. If your website is geographic specific, then also mention the town or country in the Description. Remember, the content here is to reinforce what your Title tag says, so make it relevant and specific. Highlight the services or products that will be found by your visitor on arrival at this page. For some Descriptions, it is a good idea to include a Call to Action that awaits the visitor, like ´Subscribe to our latest SEO Articles´.
SEO Expert Tip:A well-crafted Meta Description tag SEO and Title tag SEO together can be a killer-combination improving both visitors and conversion rates to your website.

SEO tips

Title Tag SEO:Title tag SEO is the most important part of a web page to optimise and has a huge influence on your search engine rankings. If you´re going to optimise anything, then optimise this! Don´t let your content go to waste. Give it every chance to be found on SERPs by creating some kick-butt Title tag SEO.
The Title Tag:This Tag is part of the HEAD section on every one of your web pages. Visitors won´t see this tag as part of your web page, but they will see it displayed at the very top of their web browser. More importantly, your Title tag becomes the clickable link that is displayed on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). If you can write a compelling, keyword-optimised Title tag that is different for all of your web pages, this will go a long way to improving your rankings.
How Important is it?The Title tag is the most important part of the web page after the content. This tag along with the Description, is your shop window to passing customers. You have a fraction of a second to stop that passer-by as they throw a glance into the front of your shop. You need to first stop them, then get them interested enough to want to come in. If that person enters your shop by clicking on the link, then this tag has done its job and done it well.
Primary Keywords:Every one of your pages should be written for a reason and should say something different from all the other pages in your website. Therefore, you should be able to sum up every page in 3 words that accurately describes that page. These 3 words will then become your Primary Keyphrase and it is this phrase you want to have at the beginning of your Title tag. It should also be possible to formulate 2 or 3 Secondary Phrases for each page that you would also like to be found for. If these are related to the Primary phrase, then it will be possible to overlap these within your title, while still keeping it readable.
Branding:Many companies feel the need to put their company name at the front of the Title tag for every page of their website. This will tell search engines nothing about each page of your website as it doesn´t differentiate between them. A much better approach is to put the company name at the end of the tag. The only exception I can see for this is if your company name contains great keywords, or better still your primary keyphrase like mine, Free SEO Expert. Even then, only put it at the front of one page, which is likely to be your home page.
Title Tag SEO:Create your tag by writing a natural reading sentence of between 5 to 9 words that closely describes the content of that particular page, using an overlap of your Primary and Secondary keyphrases and as few other words like stop words as you can. Stop words are little words that help to string a sentence together (a, an, and, or, if, etc). The main thing is to make it readable and not obviously stuffed with keywords. Don´t repeat a keyword more than twice but rather use a different variation of the word, i.e. optimise, optimising, optimisation. People do not spend much time reading pages of results, preferring to quickly scan the page. For this reason try to make it as compelling, descriptive and as specific as you can. Don´t expect to get it right first time. Small tweaks to a Title tag can have a big result in the SERPs.
Title Tag Summary:Create a unique Title for each and every page
Use between 5-9 words & don´t repeat words more than twice
Front-load the tag with your Primary Keyphrase
Overlap Key-phrases to produce multiple variations
For Branding, use the company name at the end of the tag
Avoid duplicate Title tags within your website
SEO Expert Tip:
By organising your pages into clear and specific categories and sub-categories, it will be easier to create unique and specific Title Tag SEO.

SEO Tips & Search Engine Optimisation Tips

Search Engine Optimisation performed correctly will increase your organic search engine rankings for your website. Natural SEO includes creating targeted keyword phrases and content for each and every page of your website. Search Engine Optimisation should be viewed as a long-term campaign implementing changes continuously over time.
  • Search Engine Optimisation Introduction
Search Engine Optimisation introduction with basic SEO techniques such as analysing your keywords, writing good content and providing easy navigation for your visitors.
  • On-Page Optimisation
On-Page SEO involves changing your website to generate more visitors by getting a better ranking on search engines. Learn SEO and do it yourself.
  • Off-Page Optimisation
Off-Page SEO involves creating exposure for your website through the creation of Backlinks, with the intention of obtaining higher search engine rankings.
  • White Hat V Black Hat SEO
White Hat and Black Hat SEO introduction offers good-practise ways to optimise your website, and some shadier techniques employed by some optimisers.
  • Choosing The Right Domain Name
Choosing the right Domain Name for your website is hugely important, and can even be the difference between business success and failure - Read some recommendations here.

Social Networking & Social Media Marketing

Social Networking & Media Sharing sites are BIG business. The traffic throughput on some of the major sites has to be seen to be believed. The bad news is that, with all this added possibility, comes much added complexity.
The ability to tie video, audio and multimedia presentation into marketing is now taking the web by storm. Video has been proven to convert far more customers than text alone.
And too many companies are jumping on the bandwagon with social sites such as Twitter and FaceBook etc... and spending half their day updating feeds, which yield no leads or sales! There is an awful lot of misinformation in this area. That’s why you need a partner who understands and can work in this dynamic and complex marketplace.
Some Facts About Social Networking Sites:
MySpace had more traffic by 2007 than Google...
Already, FaceBook has surpassed Google traffic levels...
YouTube gets twice as much traffic as Google...
These sites are DOUBLING every 6 months - FaceBook adds 1 million visitors each week!
In a typical month:
30% of worldwide Internet users visit MySpace
29% visit FaceBook
35% visit YouTube
And it's not just kids discussing what they're going to wear on Saturday night:
Over 50% of MySpace users are over 35
FaceBook even has 100,000 users over 64